Monday, May 30, 2011

Stumbled, Tripped, and Landed On

Lately, my friends don't stop sending me StumbleUpon links; that is, links to anything and everything on the web, happened upon at random (or, as the website calls it, the "best of the web"). Well, now I'm returning the favor. I've collected the most creative things I've lately stumbled upon, tripped over, had shoved in my face, plastered onto my Facebook wall, and otherwise presented on my screen. We've got winners from 3 categories: Art, Music, and Language creations.

Art: Imagination by Paul Neave

Move your mouse to create beautiful swirls and colors. Extremely mesmerizing.

Music: Otomata by Batuhan Bozkurt

Use squares and simple directions to create music. No matter what you do, it pretty much sounds awesome.

Language: Wordle by Jonathan Feinberg

Create beautiful word clouds out of anything - speeches, lyrics, or blog posts. Like this one.

Enjoy the creativity!

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