Thursday, October 25, 2012

Voices of Grandchildren

A smiling, young-looking man walked into the room, wearing a blue tie. I was standing with my back toward the door, just a few feet away from the man, talking with students from the Politics Society, Jewish Society, and Model UN who had gathered. "Hello, hello everyone," said the man, so I turned around. I didn't think he was the Israeli Ambassador to the United Kingdom, though perhaps he was about to introduce him. This man, after all, was much too young, much too short, much to cheery to be a hardened negotiator. "My name is Daniel Taub," he began, "I'm the Israeli Ambassador to the UK. Shall we sit down and have a chat?"

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Hairy Coo! A Highlands Visit

What's a trip to Scotland without castle ruins, ancient battlefields, and whiskey distilleries? Throw in a few sheepdogs, some mountains, and a trip to Loch Ness, and you've got yourself a complete Highlands experience. How 'bout we hae a wee look.

Friday, October 19, 2012

A Plea from a PoliSci Major

Last week, I sent a rather stuffed envelope back to the United States. It contained both a signed form and another, smaller envelope, in which was folded one piece of paper bearing seven black X's. While it is true that I have voted in the past (in local elections, or for Congressmen, and so on), I had never before influenced the presidential outcome. My grandparents, undoubtedly, have a long list of presidents for whom they voted (or voted against), dating back many decades. My parents, too, have accumulated something of a voting record. For me, that list officially begins this year: 1. 2012: Barack Obama.

Yup, that's the real ballot, currently en route to Pennsylvania.