Friday, September 14, 2012

Matchup: Edinburgh vs. Boston

Granted, 10 days in any country probably isn't enough time to develop a thorough understanding. Yet, with the novelty of British phrases and coinage still fresh in my mind, I find it appropriate, here, to examine a few key differences between life on campus in Boston, Massachusetts and Edinburgh, Scotland. It's time for a good ol' fashioned show-down: Edinburgh vs. Boston.

My new home in Edinburgh

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

When It Rains, It Shines

One of the most noticeable features of Edinburgh, Scotland is the weather, and how frequently it changes. Never mind that, while Philadelphians are sweating out highs of 81°F and Jumbos are fighting off 82°F with no air conditioning, it's 57°F here with a low of 43°F. No, the real trouble is the rain, which seems to come and go with the passing clouds. As one local woman put it, "No dear; we don't close [the farmer's market] for the rain. It's Edinburgh; we'd never be open!"

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Freshers' Week and Student Unions

I've been in Scotland for only a few days, and already so much has happened. I cannot possible get through everything, and I won't bore you with those details, besides. I've selected a topic to write about for now, and others will come later. Today, one stunningly unique aspect of the University of Edinburgh: the quality of facilities for student enjoyment.

This week is "Freshers' Week," or orientation. Note the elaborate website and posters.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Summer Cookbook

Toward the start of the summer, I found the website (and pretty cool App) "BigOven", which I've been using to record recipes. The dishes are then accessible from any phone, laptop, or tablet I can find, which should make cooking in Scotland (or back at Tufts) a little bit easier. I expanded past Asian dishes in the last month or two, and it's time to share the most delicious ones with you.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

How to Vote in College

Congratulations, you're 18 years old (or older). You can order off of infomercials, buy lottery tickets, and, as a U.S. citizen, vote. When I matriculated to Tufts, our university president at the time, Larry Bacow gave us a homework assignment. The internet reveals that he gave this homework assignment to previous classes, too: Vote. Vote in the November election, and make voting a lifelong habit. You see, we're Americans. Our nation is responsible for some of the greatest inventions of all time: harnessed electricity, the internet, manned flight. Most importantly, democracy. We did it first, and we're still improving it every day. It's your patriotic duty to help make that happen. So how do you do it from college?